
iCHS not working under MacOS Catalina 10.15.2

111andre111 opened this issue · 2 comments

At the moment iCHS is not working for me under Catalina in the sense that the Keyboard shortcuts don't work. How can I change that?
Is there maybe somewhere any logfile I can refer to, that tells me what is happening, when I press one of the iCHS keyboard shortcuts?

Hm... I'm on 10.15.2 and it works totally fine. I'm afraid that there is no logging right now.

Just in case - are you using the latest version (1.1.0)?
Is that the case for all possible shortcuts? Try creating something simple, like say hello binded on F5.

Oh, sorry, that helped.
I don't know why, but I didn't realize, that the path to terminal location changed that I have in my explicit command.
Before it was
and now is

So issue can be closed now as this is working now again. Sorry for not testing that say thing. Thank you for the hint.