
Backup and restore config?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there a plist that we can copy to new Macs to restore our settings or something?

You can get the config file from ~/.config/iCanHazShortcut


Unfortunately this doesn't work. Copied from one mac to another and my shortcuts were not there.

@tgwaste there's no magic here, ~/.config/iCanHazShortcut is the only place where shortcuts are saved. Check that you're using correct path.

In any case, I will add import/export functionality in the next version (which is definitely coming, yeeeeah...)

Is it safe to move ~/.config/iCanHazShortcut to a shared directory (e.g., SyncThing, DropBox, etc.) and replace it with a SymLink on each machine (as long as nobody tries to update the configs at the same time on both machines)?

@dmland should work fine, iCHS writes its config only in those cases:

  • on launch if the config file has older format and needs to be updated
  • when you edit your shortcuts (via interface or applescript)
  • when you edit your settings (including changing shortcuts window size)
  • when new version has been found (only in case you selected "Skip this version")

Config reading is happening only on launch.