
Scrolling menu not scrolling

Opened this issue · 1 comments

So i'm having a problem with being able to actually scroll and execute commands with the scrolling menu. I'm able to create the menus fine, and I followed your tutorials very carefully.

This is what I did as a test

/sms create mymenu Time
/sms add mymenu Day "/time day" -feedback "It's day"
/sms add mymenu Night "/time night" -feedback "It's night"
/sms add mymenu Morning "/time dawn world" -feedback "Good morning"

I tested it on a sign and a map menu and neither worked. I wasn't able to scroll through it or execute commands.

Nvm I figured out the problem. The conflict is with this plugin.

Sorry if this ticket inconvenienced you. I suggest updating your plugin page so people know not to use that plugin with yours. I hope this helped. Keep up the great work.