Trouble with pytest validating non-standard unit
aureliocarnero opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello, maybe someone can help me.
Im in the process of implementing the LSS datamodel for the EDR products, and there is a column unit in some rst files which is giving me troubles through the pytest step.
I describe the problem: the unit is for a column called NZ, and the unit is: (h/Mpc)^3
When I run the pytest module, it fails with the following error message:
CRITICAL '(h/Mpc)^3' did not parse as fits unit: Syntax error parsing unit '(h/Mpc)^3' If this is meant to be a custom unit, define it with 'u.def_unit'. To have it recognized inside a file reader or other code, enable it with 'u.add_enabled_units'. For details, see
How could I solve this problem?
Thank you in advance
The issue is the parentheses. h3/Mpc3
and h^3 Mpc^-3
will both parse successfully.
Note that h
is the unit for hours in FITS, but for the purposes of desidatamodel, we will just assume people recognize the convention for small h.
See for full details. We also have some guidelines for units in desidatamodel.
Thanks for the explanation, @weaverba137 . The FITS standard section 4.3.1 says "Parentheses are used for symbol grouping and are strongly recommended whenever the order of operations might be subject to misinterpretation", which I think means that (h/Mpc)^3
should be a legal units expression, but that it isn't supported by the units parsing infrastructure that we use. Do you agree @weaverba137, or do you think that (h/Mpc)^3
is actually illegal under the FITS standard? In the short term h^3 Mpc^-3
is a workaround, though somewhat less user-friendly to my eye. In the long term, if (h/Mpc)^3
actually is a legal FITS units expression, we should file an astropy ticket about supporting it.
I think exponentiation trumps the recommendation of grouping with parentheses:
A unit raised to a power is indicated by the unit string followed, with no intervening spaces, by the optional symbols
followed by the power given as a numeric expression, calledexpr
in Table 6.
It is possible that Astropy has taken an especially strict interpretation of that, and maybe it is worth a ticket, but I would not be surprised if it were not acted upon, given there are workarounds that we've already come up with.
Thank you for the help and the explanation. h^3 Mpc^-3 is good enough. I'm closing this issue.