
Fiberflat header documentation

julienguy opened this issue · 6 comments

The fiberflat header has a keyword SKYLEVEL that is no present in the data.
We will need to update this information.

@julienguy, there are several possible 'fiberflat' files. Could you please indicate the specific data model file that has this issue?

Also, when you say this keyword is not present, do you mean it has never been present now and through the entire history of DESI?

The reason I'm asking is that the data model file may have been generated using a fiberflat file that did have that keyword. In that case we should mark the keyword as optional, rather than removing it entirely.

@julienguy, there's a question on here from back in April. Could you please take a look at this?

Hi, there is no SKYLEVEL entry in the headers of the data files described by:


I guess the ICS is not writing this keyword for calibration observations. I wanted to point that out in case we wanted to refine the data model description.

@julienguy, thank you. That sounds like SKYLEVEL appears in some files but not all files, in which case we can mark it as optional. Do you agree?

Actually, SKYLEVEL is already marked as optional in all of those files, but I also noticed that the description had a missing [ so this will be fixed in PR #199.

Closed by #199.