
Create account flow broken on iOS

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Generic information

  • OS name and version: iOS
  • Application build code: 4200
  • Network type (mobile/Wi-Fi): Both
  • Reporting user: @lauranori

Bug description

Inside the login screen, after tapping the "Create account" button using an iOS device it is not possible to come back to the login page.
This makes it very frustrating for the users who then have to close and re-open the app due to a missing back button.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the login screen
  2. Tap the "Create a new account" button

Expected behavior

The user should be able to come back to the login screen after tapping that button. This is to prevent any frustrating app reopening after tapping on such button inadvertently.

@RiccardoM I don't think this was ever an option? I just tried on Android to be sure and pressing the Back button would just leave the app. Going back to the login page would just checked that they are logged in and get redirected to the home screen.

@ryuash This is highly related to #108. I think that adding a popup there that can be dismissed and block the account creation might be the best choice to solve also this issue