
Emoji keyboard is not user friendly

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it possible to use the native OS emoji keyboard instead of Flutter package? I am trying to adapt the emoji keyboard but I find it really hard to get a comfortable experience with it.

@kwunyeung I've tried searching all the web to find a way to open up the system emoji keyboard, but it looks like Flutter doesn't allow to do it, nor there is any plugin that does this.

Can you please post a screenshot of the iOS emoji keyboard?


I see... Discord is also using their own emoji input screen. Let me discuss this with Rooty.

@kwunyeung I personally think the best way to handle this particular feature is to continue using the one that Flutter provides. It's going to be a hell lot of work designing a new input system, which IMO is not worth the time/effort right now.

@RiccardoM yes I understand. Let’s keep the existing emoji keyboard first. We look for solution later. We may need to build our own interface like Discord some day...