
Anticipating Desmos features

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Currently Mooncake is based on the data which is read directly from the chain, without any intermediary layer in between the application and the blockchain itself. This allows for very small operating room as we need to be 100% compliant to what the chain offers when reading data, without having the possibility of extending the current features.

With the creation of a middle layer (Djuno), we instead might be able to extend the chain features by anticipating the ones that will come in later updates.


As an example, suppose we want to implement the account profile now (which will be shipped on the next Desmos version), what we could do is:

  1. Use the middle layer database to store the accounts data while the feature is being developed on Desmos.
  2. Once the feature is developed, ask the user to migrate all the data from the database to the chain.
    This can be done by a simple transaction from the user device itself.

Pros & Cons


  • Separate Mooncake and Desmos developments
  • Allow for faster new features on Mooncake
  • Show other developers how to create a hybrid application


  • Reduce the decentralization of Mooncake
  • Requires a custom login logic to authenticate requests properly


I'm just throwing this idea out there, as I want a place to discuss this. I'm still trying to figure out my opinion of whether this might be a good or bad idea. What do you guys think? @bragaz @kwunyeung