
"getHotFeeds" Post class method returns more responses than the response limit specified

jaytecch opened this issue · 1 comments

The "getHotFeeds" Post class method returns more responses than what has been specified in the "ResponseLimit" field of the request object. For example, when I set the "ResponseLimit" to 1.
I get 5 responses i.e 5 hot feeds instead of 1.

This is my request

This is what I get

Everything works fine, if the "ResponseLimit" is set to 0, as nothing would be returned as expected but when the "ResponseLimit" is set to any negative integer such as -1. A response is returned which could contain 3 - 5 hot feed depending on the negative value.

Here's an example where the "ResponseLimit" is set to -400.

Still I get a response containing 3 hot feed

Not an issue with the library as all it does it pass the parameter forward to the backend api. You can find implementation details for the hotfeed here Looking at your inputs I was not able to recreate those issues so my assumption is the node wasn't correctly returning values at that time.