
Brave / Edge not supported

Opened this issue · 14 comments

Running into an issue with identity login - all requests are returning {approvalRequired: true}

The issue seems to be -

In the login window, a value, '' is set in localStorage.

The iframe expects to be able to retrieve this value but finds that localStorage is empty so creates a new value.

localStorage is both get and set in the identity 'seedHexEncryptionKey' method.

Not sure why this issue is present on but not on - maybe to do with third party domain restrictions.

Issue can be seen and tested on current site.

Issues is consistent across Windows 10 Brave, Windows 10 Edge, Android Brave

what level were the logins approved for? Like if approved for level 3 and you try and do a level 4 action, you might get approvalRequired: true

Following more testing - this seems to work fine in Windows 10 Firefox and Windows 10 Chrome -

Looks like this is issue is browser specific. Brave/Edge

Brave / Edge are currently slightly broken. I will work on fixing this

hmm, yes, these browsers are both returning
browserSupported: true
hasStorageAccess: true

This was closed, but identity login still not working on brave - try logging into and taking an action or viewing pm -

using firefox (works) chrome (works) vs brave (broken) vs edge (broken).

I will deploy Identity now to fix this

This fix is now live, let me know if it works for you

Happy to report that Edge now works!

Brave still broken.

Thanks for re-opening. Noticed older versions of Safari also not working - tested 12.4. Not sure which browsers you'll choose to support, but probably a good idea to publish a list of minimum required version types so we know if it's a bug or if it just not supported.

Note on Brave - has quite small user numbers, but is disproportionately used by crypto folks I think.

Thanks for helping test this so thoroughly. Are you just using an old Mac/iPhone to test old Safari or do you have a tool you'd recommend?

On first glance Safari 12 contains the first release of Intelligent Tracking Prevention and it could very well be the case that we simply are unable to support it. I can dig into this more though.

Regarding Brave, I will prioritize a fix since it is so widely used in crypto.

Thanks for helping test this so thoroughly. Are you just using an old Mac/iPhone to test old Safari or do you have a tool you'd recommend?

Sure thing - I just tried it out on a friends ipad mini 3 - nb it couldn't deal with webp images either so if you're going to stick with those, might be best to set a minimum bar on browser support.

Wow I can't believe Apple didn't add support for WebP until Safari 14.

hey @maebeam any idea when you'll get to this - lots of Brave users in crypto!