
Regarding The 2010, Chelsea Manning's leak of the Iraq War Logs.

Bruhtm opened this issue · 0 comments

In 2010, Chelsea Manning's leak of the Iraq War Logs revealed US army reports on civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan; 66,081 out of 109,000 recorded deaths were civilians. They show that US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape and even murder by Iraqi police and soldiers, and that US troops killed almost 700 civilians for coming too close to checkpoints, including pregnant women and the mentally ill, and countless other atrocities.


  1. They show that US authorities failed to investigate-

"We analyzed two sets of data dealing with these wars: the first, from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), details all founded investigations alleging serious law of armed conflict violations in Iraq and Afghanistan by Sailors, SEALs, and Marines; the second, from the Army Court of Criminal Appeals (ACCA), details all cases of alleged serious law of armed conflict violations by soldiers referred to court-martial. The NCIS data indicates that ninety-two allegations of serious law of armed conflict violations were substantiated, thirty-seven of which led to courts-martial (a number of others received non-judicial punishment), and twenty-eight of which resulted in conviction. The ACCA data shows 100 referred cases, of which seventy-eight resulted in conviction on at least one offense. Many of these cases resulted in substantial sentences, including life imprisonment."