
Note-Taker apps you can write, save, retrieve, and delete notes. you use on your command line by `npx nodemon server.js` or by `node server.js`. It's a good application to save time and for document everything organizes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript




Table of Contents


  • This application is developed to help people, project managers,even to every body that can be used to write clearly and briefly, save, and delete notes.

  • This application uses an express backend and save and retrieve note data from a JSON file. .

  • Developers or users can quickly and easily create note or take notes as well as save,retrieve note and delete saved notes or new notes for their job. by using a command-line application to generate one.

  • The app runs as a server.js to gather information about each notes.

  • you can quickly create or taken notes.

  • My note taker application includes all necessary code that is readable, reliable, and maintainable Oftentimes, node_modules, main Readme, screenshot images.

  • I put my LinkedIn profile, my github URL repository, heroku url and email address working activly.

Installation Instructions

  • The developer is authorizing a free installation by cloning from the repository code:-

  • destish21/note_taker

  • you can run by install npm i to include node_module.

  • you can run by node server.js to note taker.

screenshot Images

  • note_taker

  • note_taker

Usage Instructions

  • For this app to run make sure first intall the node_moduale.

  • make sure creat repository in your github.

  • Clone the code from my github repository

  • destish21/note_taker

  • note_taker and clone it in your comand line.

  • Make sure node_modules run by npm i or npm install in your computer.

  • Once in the directory run npm install to install the node_modules needed to run the app. Run by npx nodemon server.js or by node server.js.

  • You will be write notes on the application.

  • A note_taker Completed wrote the file !! will be desplayed after you wrote your note.

  • you will see a high-quality, professional note_taker is generated with the title of my project.

  • you can generate a notes that displays basic info on note takers.

  • you can try the note takers by commandline. npx nodemon server.js or by node server.js.

  • I built with diferent routes get /note for notes.htmlfile, and get / for index.htmlfile. I used / to be direct specific index.html inasted of to direct to all *

  • GET /api/notes reads the db.json file and return all saved notes as JSON.

  • POST /api/notes receives a new note to save on the request body, add it to the db.json file, and then return the new note to the client.

  • DELETE /api/notes/:id - Should receive a query parameter containing the id of a note to delete. This means you'll need to find a way to give each note a unique id when it's saved. In order to delete a note, you'll need to read all notes from the db.json file, remove the note with the given id property, and then rewrite the notes to the db.json file.

  • you can to be able to write and save notes.

  • you can to be able to delete notes you've written before.

  • you can quickly access to emails and GitHub profiles.

  • My note_taker is in my github repository enjoy it!


  • This is Contributed by destish21/note_taker.
  • But Contribution, issues and feature requests are welcome.
  • Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
  • you can contact me by Contact Information here below.

Developers Contact Information