
Unicode character lookup table generator for C/C++

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Unicode Lookup Table

Build Status

This script generates a Unicode character lookup table with linear access time. It creates a header and source file and compiles a static library usable within C/C++. The source data is contained in the files UnicodeData.txt and SpecialCasing.txt and can be found on https://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/. Currently Unicode version 15.0.0 is used, but the files can be replaced with newer versions in the future.

The only function is UTLookupGlyph that looks up a single character by its Unicode value. It returns a pointer to a UTInfo struct containing the character informations. It always returns a valid pointer, even for invalid characters. In this case, the field category has the value UT_CATEGORY_INVALID assigned.

Available Informations

UTInfo contains the following fields:

typedef struct {
    uint32_t flags;    ///< Combination of UTFlag.
    uint32_t category; ///< One of UTCategory.
    int32_t cases[3];  ///< Distance to case variant. Indexable with UTCase.
    union {
        int64_t num;      ///< Number value if `flags & UT_FLAG_NUMBER`.
        char const* frac; ///< Fraction string if `flags & UT_FLAG_FRACTION`.
} UTInfo;
  • category contains one of the character categories listed in UTCategory
  • flags contains multiple flags listed in UTFlag
  • cases contains values to be added to the character value in order to convert it to the desired case variant (UT_CASE_UPPER,UT_CASE_LOWER or UT_CASE_TITLE). The field is indexable with UTCase. If a case field is 0, that specific case variant does not exist or is the same case variant as the character value itself. If one of the flags UT_FLAG_UPPER_EXPANDS, UT_FLAG_LOWER_EXPANDS or UT_FLAG_TITLE_EXPANDS is set in flags, the character expands to multiple characters when case-folding. For example, the lowercase letter "ß" (0x00DF; LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S ) expands to the 2 uppercase letters "SS" (0x0053 0x0053; LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S ). cases then contains an index usable for the array UTSpecialCases. The index itself points to the number of character in the expanded sequence. The following array elements contain the expanded sequence's character values (see example below).
  • number contains numeric values for digits, number-like and fraction characters. For example, the roman number "Ⅶ" (0x2166; ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN ) has the value 7 in num. Fractions are represented by strings that contain the nominator and denominator separated by / ("n/d"). For example, the fraction character "¼" (0x00BC; VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER ) has the value "1/4" in frac.

Lookup Character

Looking up a character with its Unicode value:

// character `Đ` (0x0110; LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE)
UTGlyph glyph = 0x0110;
UTInfo const* info = UTLookupGlyph(glyph);

// get lowercase variant `đ` (0x0111; LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE)
UTGlyph lower = glyph + info->cases[UT_CASE_LOWER];

// prints "Lowercase variant of 0x0110: 0x0111"
printf("Lowercase variant of 0x%04X: 0x%04X\n", glyph, lower);

Numeric and Fraction Values

Get the representing integer or fraction value:

UTGlyph glyph;
UTInfo const* info;

// character `Ⅶ` (0x2166; ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN)
glyph = 0x2166;
info = UTLookupGlyph(glyph);

// check if character is a number
if (info->flags & UT_FLAG_NUMBER) {
    // prints "Integer value of 2166: 7"
    printf("Integer value of %04X: %lld\n", glyph, info->num);

// character `¼` (0x00BC; VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER)
glyph = 0x00BC;
info = UTLookupGlyph(glyph);

// check if character is a fraction
if (info->flags & UT_FLAG_FRACTION) {
    // prints "String representation of 0x00BC: 1/4"
    printf("String representation of 0x%04X: %s\n", glyph, info->frac);

Case-Fold Expansion

Handling cases, where case-folding expands to multiple characters:

// character `ß` (0x00DF; LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S)
UTGlyph glyph = 0x00DF;
UTInfo const* info = UTLookupGlyph(glyph);

// check if expansion occurs to prevent invalid index
if (info->flags & UT_FLAG_UPPER_EXPANDS) {
    // sequence index for uppercase variant
    int idx = info->cases[UT_CASE_UPPER];
    int length = UTSpecialCases[idx];

    // character sequence
    UTGlyph const* sequence = &UTSpecialCases[idx + 1];

    // prints "0x00DF expands to 2 chars in uppercase"
    printf("0x%04X expands to %d chars in uppercase\n", glyph, length);

    // uppercase characters
    // prints:
    // "0: 0x0053"
    // "1: 0x0053"
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
        printf("%d: 0x%04X\n", i, sequence[i]);
else {
    printf("Character %04X does not expand\n", glyph);

Building the Table

Run ./autogen.sh to generate the build system. Then run ./configure and make to build libunicodetable.a in the src directory:


configure can take some options:

  • --enable-symbol-prefix=bla changes the prefix for library symbols to bla. The default is UT.
  • --enable-snake-case, --disable-snake-case enables or disables snake-case symbol names (For example, bla_lookup_glyph instead of blaLookupGlyph). The default is disable.
  • --enable-categories=Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo,Mn,Mc,Me,Nd,Nl,No,Pc,Pd,Ps,Pe,Pi,Pf,Po,Sm,Sc,Sk,So,Zs,Zl,Zp,Cc,Cf,Cs,Co,Cn sets the required Unicode character categories to be include in the table. This can reduce the table size. All other characters will have their category set to UT_CATEGORY_OTHER_NOT_ASSIGNED. If omitted, all categories are included.
  • --enable-include-info=flags,categories,casing,numbers sets the required character informations to be included in the table. If omitted, all available informations are included.
  • --enable-strict-level=0 sets the strict level, which excludes certain characters considered as unsafe, for example, surrogates. Defaut is 0.
    0: do not exclude any characters
    1: define surrogates as invalid


./configure \  
    --enable-symbol-prefix=bla \  
    --enable-categories=Lu,Ll,Lt,Lm,Lo \  
    --enable-snake-case \  

Using as Automake Subproject

This project is designed to be used as an Automake subproject. To match your projects namespace, export the enviroment variables inside the main project's configure.ac:


# put before `AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS`

# use symbol prefix
# omit for default prefix
export UT_SYMBOL_PREFIX="myprefix"
# use snake case symbols
export UT_SNAKE_CASE=1
# define character categories to include
# omit to include all categories
# define character information to include
# omit to include all available information
export UT_INCLUDE_INFO=flags,categories
# exclude additional characters, for example, surrogates
# omit for using default (0)
# 0: do not exclude any characters
# 1: define surrogates as invalid



Source Templates

The source templates unicode-table.h.in and unicode-table.c.in located in src contain the structure and data placeholders for the header and source file. They can be editted if needed.