
Sweep(slow): Add a new light colored theme based on cool theme and light theme

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In our we have written how to create a new theme, follow it
create a new theme based on our 'cool' theme and 'light' theme, make it pinkish in nature

  • src/styles/themes.scss ✅ Commit c3c64f4
• Add a new class for the new theme. The class name should be descriptive and related to the theme's color scheme. For example, if the new theme is pinkish in nature, the class name could be 'pinkish'. • Define the color variables for the new theme within the new class. The color scheme should be light-colored and pinkish in nature, as per the issue description. The color variables to define include `--primary-1`, `--primary-2`, `--primary-3`, `--primary-4`, `--sidenav`, and `--gradient`.
Sandbox Execution Logs
trunk init 1/3 ✓
⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣷ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
✔ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... done
⡿ Verifying Trunk sha256...
✔ Verifying Trunk sha256... done
⡿ Unpacking Trunk...
✔ Unpacking Trunk... done

✔ 12 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml)
  checkov 2.4.9 (9 json, 5 yaml files)
  git-diff-check (51 files)
  markdownlint 0.36.0 (10 markdown files) (created .markdownlint.yaml)
  osv-scanner 1.4.0 (1 lockfile file)
  oxipng 8.0.0 (2 png files)
  prettier 3.0.3 (1 javascript, 8 json, 10 markdown, 5 sass, 1 typescript, 5 yaml files)
  shellcheck 0.9.0 (1 shell file) (created .shellcheckrc)
  shfmt 3.6.0 (1 shell file)
  svgo 3.0.2 (1 svg file) (created svgo.config.js)
  trivy 0.45.0 (1 lockfile, 5 yaml files)
  trufflehog 3.56.0 (52 files)
  yamllint 1.32.0 (5 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml)
Next Steps
 1. Read documentation
    Our documentation can be found at
 2. Get help and give feedback
    Join the Trunk community at
trunk fmt src/styles/themes.scss 2/3 ✓
Checked 1 file
✔ No issues
trunk check --fix src/styles/themes.scss 3/3 ✓

Checked 1 file
✔ No issues
  • src/components/ThemeSelector.astro ✅ Commit 35ab248
• Add a new `` for the new theme in the `` element. The `value` attribute of the `` should be the same as the class name defined in the `themes.scss` file. The text content of the `` should be a user-friendly name for the new theme. Sandbox Execution Logs trunk init 1/3 ✓ ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣷ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ✔ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... done ⡿ Verifying Trunk sha256... ✔ Verifying Trunk sha256... done ⡿ Unpacking Trunk... ✔ Unpacking Trunk... done ✔ 12 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml) checkov 2.4.9 (9 json, 5 yaml files) git-diff-check (51 files) markdownlint 0.36.0 (10 markdown files) (created .markdownlint.yaml) osv-scanner 1.4.0 (1 lockfile file) oxipng 8.0.0 (2 png files) prettier 3.0.3 (1 javascript, 8 json, 10 markdown, 5 sass, 1 typescript, 5 yaml files) shellcheck 0.9.0 (1 shell file) (created .shellcheckrc) shfmt 3.6.0 (1 shell file) svgo 3.0.2 (1 svg file) (created svgo.config.js) trivy 0.45.0 (1 lockfile, 5 yaml files) trufflehog 3.56.0 (52 files) yamllint 1.32.0 (5 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml) Next Steps 1. Read documentation Our documentation can be found at 2. Get help and give feedback Join the Trunk community at trunk fmt src/components/ThemeSelector.astro 2/3 ✓ Found no applicable linters for the requested path trunk check --fix src/components/ThemeSelector.astro 3/3 ✓ Checked 1 file ✔ No issues

Here's the PR! #10.

⚡ Sweep Free Trial: I used GPT-4 to create this ticket. You have 1 GPT-4 tickets left for the month and -1 for the day. For more GPT-4 tickets, visit our payment portal.

Actions (click)

  • Restart Sweep

Step 1: 🔎 Searching

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.


Lines 1 to 334 in 0e4860f

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<img align="center" src="${textVal}&lines=+👋🏻+Welcome+to+Idea+Arca+👋🏻;👨🏻‍💻+Lets+Build+Together+👩🏻‍💻;💡+Get+Your+New+project+Idea+💡;🌐+Check+our+Website+🌐;🙏🏻+Thanks+for+Contributing+🙏🏻"
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# **_Idea Arca_**
Idea Arca (Latin: "Idea Vault") is a Project Idea Bank. Unleash your
tech creativity. Discover, collaborate, and bring to life innovative
project ideas in various tech fields through this inspirational
## Tech Stack
1. **_Astro_** : A fast front-end js framework
- Video :
2. **_scss_** :
- Video :
3. **JSON** :
- Video :
After going through these videos you're qualified enough to work on our codebase
## Contributing
Here are some ways you can contribute to this project:
- Add Themes
- Add Ideas
- Report/Fix bugs.
- Write documentation.
- Others : Implement New Features , Modify UI/UX
### Process of Contribution
1. _Fork_ : Fork this GitHub Repo to your own github account
2. _Clone_ : Clone the forked repo (the repo present on your account) to your local machine.
3. _Issue_ : Create an Issue regarding the feature that you will be working on and get the issue assigned to you
4. _Changes_ : Create a new branch and commit your changes on that branch.
5. _Push_ : After all changes are commited, push your changes to your remote repo.
6. _PR_ : After pushing changes, raise a PR from your remote repo to this repo's dev branch. In the PR mention the issue number that you will be closing.
> If you are new to git and github, I will suggest you first go through this :
> 1. YT video (Recommended) :
> 2. Docs :
> If you are new to open-source, then you can go through :
# Contributions
The Two major types of Contribution are explained below (Add Theme, Add Ideas) :
## ADD Themes
Here we are talking about the theme for the website.
The process to add theme is (After Fork And Clone):</br>
we are showing an eg by adding a theme called `test`.
1. Add a new `<option>` in `./src/components/ThemeSelector.astro` :
- Before
<select name="themes" id={id} class="btn">
/* other options */
<option value="neon">Neon</option>
- After
<select name="themes" id={id} class="btn">
/* other options */
<option value="neon">Neon</option>
/* Added code 👇 */
<option value="test">Test</option>
2. Adding a new `class` code in `./src/styles/themes.scss` :
Name of the class is the value given to `value` attribute of your `<option>` tag
Here we used :
<option value="test">Test</option>
so our class is `test`.
- Before
/* Other Codes*/
.neon {
--primary-1: #793fdf;
--primary-2: #7091f5;
--primary-3: #97fff4;
--primary-4: #ffffff;
--sidenav: #793fdfce;
--gradient: #e600ff;
- After
/* Other Codes*/
.neon {
/* Added code 👇 */
.test {
--primary-1: #000000;
--primary-2: #000132;
--primary-3: #000245;
--primary-4: #ffffff;
--sidenav: #0000ce;
--gradient: #f690fa;
### NOTE :
1. `--primary-1` : is used as the main background
2. `--primary-3` : is mostly used my important texts
3. `--primary-4` : is used by detailed texts
4. `--sidenav` : is reduced opacity of `--primary-1`, just append `ce` of your `--primary-1`;
5. `--gradient` : this is a `random color` which suits the website, it's the color of the gradient circle at top of the website
_**You can use for the 4 Primary Colors, and choose a nice color for gradient on your own**_
## ADD Ideas
Here we are talking about the ideas displayed on the website.
The process to add ideas is (After Fork And Clone):</br>
### **CASE 1** : Adding Idea in Existing Section/Field
we are showing an example by adding an idea in `React` section.
1. Add Your Object in the `./src/database/MainData.json` inside the `data` of React section :
- Before
section: 'React',
data: [
id: 1,
title: 'E-commerce Dashboard',
tags: ['React', 'Redux', 'CSS', 'API Integration'],
description: 'Lorem Ispum',
link: '',
- After
section: 'React',
data: [
// prev code
/* Added code 👇 */
id: 2,
title: 'Test',
tags: ['React', 'Redux', 'scss', 'API'],
description: 'Give Meaningful Description, there is no word limit',
link: 'Working Link',
### **CASE 2** : Adding Idea in a New Section/Field
we are showing an example by adding an idea in a new sectio : `BackboneJs` section.
1. Add Your Section Name in `./src/database/sections.json`, to make your section/field appear in left navigation panel :
- Before
['React', 'Vue', 'Svelte', 'Frontend', 'Backend'];
- After
['React', 'Vue', 'Svelte', 'Frontend', 'Backend', 'BackboneJs'];
2. Add Your Object in the `./src/database/MainData.json` inside the `data` of React section :
- Before
section: 'React',
data: [
id: 1,
title: 'E-commerce Dashboard',
tags: ['React', 'Redux', 'CSS', 'API Integration'],
description: 'Lorem Ispum',
link: 'Working Link',
// Similar Codes for Other Sections
- After
// prev Codes
section: 'BackboneJs',
data: [
id: 1,
title: 'E-commerce Dashboard',
tags: ['Backbonejs'],
description: 'Give Meaningful Description, there is no word limit',
link: 'Working Link',
### NOTE :
1. `section` : the major Fields
2. **`link` : It should be a working, non-broken link. It can be a figma, hosted website link. If your idea is based on any other already existing website (can be desings or any feature), then provide that website link.**
3. \*All the `id` in each sections must be **unique\***
<!-- ---
# Get Started with **Astro**
npm create astro@latest -- --template minimal
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## 🚀 Project Structure
Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:
├── public/
├── src/
│ └── pages/
│ └── index.astro
└── package.json
Astro looks for `.astro` or `.md` files in the `src/pages/` directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name.
There's nothing special about `src/components/`, but that's where we like to put any Astro/React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components.
Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the `public/` directory.
## 🧞 Commands
All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:
| Command | Action |
| :------------------------ | :----------------------------------------------- |
| `npm install` | Installs dependencies |
| `npm run dev` | Starts local dev server at `localhost:3000` |
| `npm run build` | Build your production site to `./dist/` |
| `npm run preview` | Preview your build locally, before deploying |
| `npm run astro ...` | Run CLI commands like `astro add`, `astro check` |
| `npm run astro -- --help` | Get help using the Astro CLI |
## 👀 Want to learn more?

# Contributing
Here are some ways you can contribute to this project:
- Add Themes
- Add Ideas
- Report/Fix bugs.
- Write documentation.
- Others : Implement New Features , Modify UI/UX
### Process of Contribution
1. _Fork_ : Fork this GitHub Repo to your own github account
2. _Clone_ : Clone the forked repo (the repo present on your account) to your local machine.
3. _Issue_ : Create an Issue regarding the feature that you will be working on and get the issue assigned to you
4. _Changes_ : Create a new branch and commit your changes on that branch.
5. _Push_ : After all changes are commited, push your changes to your remote repo.
6. _PR_ : After pushing changes, raise a PR from your remote repo to this repo's dev branch. In the PR mention the issue number that you will be closing.
> If you are new to git and github, I will suggest you first go through this :
> 1. YT video (Recommended) :
> 2. Docs :
> If you are new to open-source, then you can go through :
# Contributions
The Different Types of Contribution are explained below :
## ADD Themes
Here we are talking about the theme for the website.
The process to add theme is (After Fork And Clone):</br>
we are showing an eg by adding a theme called `test`.
1. Add a new `<option>` in `./src/components/ThemeSelector.astro` :
- Before
<select name="themes" id={id} class="btn">
/* other options */
<option value="neon">Neon</option>
- After
<select name="themes" id={id} class="btn">
/* other options */
<option value="neon">Neon</option>
/* Added code 👇 */
<option value="test">Test</option>
2. Adding a new `class` code in `./src/styles/themes.scss` :
Name of the class is the value given to `value` attribute of your `<option>` tag
Here we used :
<option value="test">Test</option>
so our class is `test`.
- Before
/* Other Codes*/
.neon {
--primary-1: #793fdf;
--primary-2: #7091f5;
--primary-3: #97fff4;
--primary-4: #ffffff;
--sidenav: #793fdfce;
--gradient: #e600ff;
- After
/* Other Codes*/
.neon {
/* Added code 👇 */
.test {
--primary-1: #000000;
--primary-2: #000132;
--primary-3: #000245;
--primary-4: #ffffff;
--sidenav: #0000ce;
--gradient: #f690fa;
### NOTE :
1. `--primary-1` : is used as the main background
2. `--primary-3` : is mostly used my important texts
3. `--primary-4` : is used by detailed texts
4. `--sidenav` : is reduced opacity of `--primary-1`, just append `ce` of your `--primary-1`;
5. `--gradient` : this is a `random color` which suits the website, it's the color of the gradient circle at top of the website
_**You can use for the 4 Primary Colors, and choose a nice color for gradient on your own**_
## ADD Ideas
Here we are talking about the ideas displayed on the website.
The process to add ideas is (After Fork And Clone):</br>
### **CASE 1** : Adding Idea in Existing Section/Field
we are showing an example by adding an idea in `React` section.
1. Add Your Object in the `./src/database/MainData.json` inside the `data` of React section :
- Before
section: 'React',
data: [
id: 1,
title: 'E-commerce Dashboard',
tags: ['React', 'Redux', 'CSS', 'API Integration'],
description: 'Lorem Ispum',
link: '',
- After
section: 'React',
data: [
// prev code
/* Added code 👇 */
id: 2,
title: 'Test',
tags: ['React', 'Redux', 'scss', 'API'],
description: 'Give Meaningful Description, there is no word limit',
link: 'Working Link',
### **CASE 2** : Adding Idea in a New Section/Field
we are showing an example by adding an idea in a new sectio : `BackboneJs` section.
1. Add Your Section Name in `./src/database/sections.json`, to make your section/field appear in left navigation panel :
- Before
['React', 'Vue', 'Svelte', 'Frontend', 'Backend'];
- After
['React', 'Vue', 'Svelte', 'Frontend', 'Backend', 'BackboneJs'];
2. Add Your Object in the `./src/database/MainData.json` inside the `data` of React section :
- Before
section: 'React',
data: [
id: 1,
title: 'E-commerce Dashboard',
tags: ['React', 'Redux', 'CSS', 'API Integration'],
description: 'Lorem Ispum',
link: 'Working Link',
// Similar Codes for Other Sections
- After
// prev Codes
section: 'BackboneJs',

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

  • src/styles/themes.scss ✅ Commit c3c64f4
• Add a new class for the new theme. The class name should be descriptive and related to the theme's color scheme. For example, if the new theme is pinkish in nature, the class name could be 'pinkish'. • Define the color variables for the new theme within the new class. The color scheme should be light-colored and pinkish in nature, as per the issue description. The color variables to define include `--primary-1`, `--primary-2`, `--primary-3`, `--primary-4`, `--sidenav`, and `--gradient`.
Sandbox Execution Logs
trunk init 1/3 ✓
⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
⣷ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0...
✔ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... done
⡿ Verifying Trunk sha256...
✔ Verifying Trunk sha256... done
⡿ Unpacking Trunk...
✔ Unpacking Trunk... done

✔ 12 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml)
  checkov 2.4.9 (9 json, 5 yaml files)
  git-diff-check (51 files)
  markdownlint 0.36.0 (10 markdown files) (created .markdownlint.yaml)
  osv-scanner 1.4.0 (1 lockfile file)
  oxipng 8.0.0 (2 png files)
  prettier 3.0.3 (1 javascript, 8 json, 10 markdown, 5 sass, 1 typescript, 5 yaml files)
  shellcheck 0.9.0 (1 shell file) (created .shellcheckrc)
  shfmt 3.6.0 (1 shell file)
  svgo 3.0.2 (1 svg file) (created svgo.config.js)
  trivy 0.45.0 (1 lockfile, 5 yaml files)
  trufflehog 3.56.0 (52 files)
  yamllint 1.32.0 (5 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml)
Next Steps
 1. Read documentation
    Our documentation can be found at
 2. Get help and give feedback
    Join the Trunk community at
trunk fmt src/styles/themes.scss 2/3 ✓
Checked 1 file
✔ No issues
trunk check --fix src/styles/themes.scss 3/3 ✓

Checked 1 file
✔ No issues
  • src/components/ThemeSelector.astro ✅ Commit 35ab248
• Add a new `` for the new theme in the `` element. The `value` attribute of the `` should be the same as the class name defined in the `themes.scss` file. The text content of the `` should be a user-friendly name for the new theme. Sandbox Execution Logs trunk init 1/3 ✓ ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣷ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ✔ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... done ⡿ Verifying Trunk sha256... ✔ Verifying Trunk sha256... done ⡿ Unpacking Trunk... ✔ Unpacking Trunk... done ✔ 12 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml) checkov 2.4.9 (9 json, 5 yaml files) git-diff-check (51 files) markdownlint 0.36.0 (10 markdown files) (created .markdownlint.yaml) osv-scanner 1.4.0 (1 lockfile file) oxipng 8.0.0 (2 png files) prettier 3.0.3 (1 javascript, 8 json, 10 markdown, 5 sass, 1 typescript, 5 yaml files) shellcheck 0.9.0 (1 shell file) (created .shellcheckrc) shfmt 3.6.0 (1 shell file) svgo 3.0.2 (1 svg file) (created svgo.config.js) trivy 0.45.0 (1 lockfile, 5 yaml files) trufflehog 3.56.0 (52 files) yamllint 1.32.0 (5 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml) Next Steps 1. Read documentation Our documentation can be found at 2. Get help and give feedback Join the Trunk community at trunk fmt src/components/ThemeSelector.astro 2/3 ✓ Found no applicable linters for the requested path trunk check --fix src/components/ThemeSelector.astro 3/3 ✓ Checked 1 file ✔ No issues Step 3: 🔁 Code Review I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/add-new-theme. . 🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep: Getting Sweep to run linters before committing! Check out Sweep Sandbox Configs to set it up. Added support for self-hosting! Check out Self-hosting Sweep to get started. [Self Hosting] Multiple options to compute vector embeddings, configure your .env file using VECTOR_EMBEDDING_SOURCE 💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description. To tweak the pull request, leave a comment on the pull request. Join Our Discord