
#The concept of the project is to reduce the repetition of telling ingredients amount for your convenient taste of #coffee while ordering it in mess/office

#With this application, you can fill up your details and it'll also show the color of coffee according to your strength(hard/soft etc.) #On the other hand, a staff member obtain your details easily

here is mty linkedn link for more details https://www.linkedin.com/posts/abhishek-yadav-61a8111aa_flutter-inheritedabrwidget-coffee-ugcPost-6843072415665291264-Yjv0

Here is some concept/library/functions I use

  • #firebase_auth - authentication login/registration

  • #firestore DB -realtime database with some CRUD operation

  • provider lib- to #manipulate app data according to #realtime data and inherited from to another screen using streams

  • #Streambuilder - to make dynamic widgets w.r.t current data states I.e #login page or home according to user data

  • #forms - with custom validation makes it more #secure

  • #try_catch - catching logical errors I.e wrong password with GUI changes

  • #custom_Navigator - you can't use default navigator when you're passing data one to another, so here is custom navigator