
Feature request

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Some ideas I thought about...

Would be great if we could get:

  1. All devices shown in alphabetical order
  2. Current status greyed out (so if it's on, the only option to choose is 'off', etc.)
  3. Maybe, but not as important, (alphabetical) grouping of lights and sockets separate and a separator between lights and sockets
  4. Groups (eg, I have a group called "Lounge" and this operates all sockets and lights at the same time.

Looking good so far!


Hey @mattanorak,

Sorry been a bit busy with work so just been able to reply now, most recent commit adheres to some recommendations by you such as Alphabetical order per device type with a divider between lights and switches (1 & 3). Will start working on 2, as well as a colour + brightness alternator.

Only issue with 4 is that the API package I'm using hasn't got any grouping/family visibility, as far as I know its been depricated since 2017, so will look for a more updated package with this visibility. If not will look to replicating API calls natively within the script to get this info!


Thanks, @dev-est - loving this. Means I don't have to keep reaching for my phone when I want to turn the lights / sockets on / off! I had a look at putting all of the devices into an array to make them appear alphabetical but that was beyond me!

Good stuff so far - really appreciate your work on this - there's a number of people in the Techin groups who I know have been looking for something like this, too!
