Demo App

Demo Mobile Application.

Architecture & code organization
├── android                   # android
├── assets                    # assets
├── ios                       # ios
├── lib                       # library
│   ├── blocs                     # state mangement implementation with bloc
│   ├── components                # components: general components found throughout the app.
│   ├── models                    # 
│   ├── repositories              # 
│   ├── utils                     # shared utilities: constants, extensions, validators etc.
│   ├── screens                   # screens & pages.
│   └── main.dart
└── test                      # testing

Design File

Todo app figma design file

Major dependencies used in project

Mobile view

Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 09 14 15

Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 09 14 15

Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 09 14 15