Small scale machine learning projects to understand the core concepts . Give a Star 🌟If it helps you. BONUS: Interview Bank coming up..!
- akhilpatlollaAWS
- AmjadHishamJerusalem, Israel
- amr-farahatFrankfurt, Germany
- anitsh@krispcall
- ATGOct
- avnbad
- barakyo
- carloshpfSão Paulo - SP - Brazil
- csajediStarling Foundries, LLC
- ddwagnerThe Ohio State University
- dhoule
- dit7yaShores of Inifinity
- eyadsibai
- GeorgeDittmarPortland
- ghosharindamOviva AG
- GreggArcherBounteous
- jhermann@mam-dev
- justanothertechguy
- KHolley91Chicago
- kronebone
- lmindyuk
- nithirojDeveloper
- OleivaTietoEVRY
- pradiptadeb1990MAGNET, INRIA
- sajid-rBangalore, India
- sirsroka
- sprt@microsoft
- sridharyanamandragithubNavica Solutions
- starenka/dev/hell
- StijnDeVosRijksuniversiteit Groningen
- SumeetRohilla
- Szymen127.0.0.1
- Tato14Barcelona
- tidusvn05Ho Chi Minh
- toomastahvesTallinn, Estonia