
Get greeted with an ASCII art followed by a random one-liner whenever you open a new terminal

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Get greeted by custom message and/or

Pokemon ascii art and/or

A random one-liner when you switch your terminal on

alt text


Alternate installation instructions -> https://youtu.be/JBUYfeah5c8

$ sudo pip install poketerm

NOTE: You need sudo permission for the package to work

Turn on poketerm

$poketerm -t 1

Turn off poketerm

$poketerm -t 0

NOTE: make sure to turn off poketerm before you uninstall it!

Poketerm help

usage: main.py [-h] [-p {bulbasaur,dugtrio,meowth,pikachu,noascii}] [-l]
               [-o {0,1}] [-m MESSAGE] [-t {0,1}] [-s]

Display a Custom Message, a Pokemon ASCII Art and a Random Oneliner.
NOTE: Remember to turn off poketerm using -t 0 tag before you uninstall

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p {bulbasaur,dugtrio,meowth,pikachu,noascii}, --pokemon {bulbasaur,dugtrio,meowth,pikachu,noascii}
                        pokemon name for ASCII art. [noascii] for disabling
                        ASCII art
  -l, --list            list available pokemons
  -o {0,1}, --one-liner {0,1}
                        turn one liner on [1] or off [0]
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
                        custom message to be displayed in the start. [nomessage] for
                        no message
  -t {0,1}, --turn-onf {0,1}
                        turn on poke term [1], turn off [0]
  -s, --show            run poketerm with the active configuration

List of available pokemons

$ poketerm -l
Available Pokemons are

|\_                  _ 
 \ \               _/_|
  \ \_          __/ /
   \  \________/   /
    |              |
    /              |
   |   0       0   |
   |       _       |
   |()    __    () |
    \    (__)      |
           (  /   \ \
     \ ----/\ (    ) )
     / O  O  |---- _/
    |   _         \
     \__U____/ _(  |
      |_/   |_/  |_/

             /       \
            |  0   0  |
          __|__  <>   | 
         /     \    __|__
        |       |  /     \
        | 0  0  | / 0  0  |
        |  <>   |/   <>   /
        |       |        /

                ___                       ___ 
               |   \_    ^        ^     _/   |
               |     \_ | |      | |  _/ __  |
               |       \| | /""\ | | / _/  | |
               |    __..|"||____||"|../.  /  |
         __     \_ /    | ||____|| |    \/ _/    __ 
         \ """--__:      v  \../  v      :__--""" / 
          ""--___/     ____       ____    \___--""
                .     (_||_)     (_||_)    .
        ________|_                        __|_______
        \__________                       _________/
                .        __________        .
                  .      \   __   /      .
                    .     \_/__\_/     .
                      .              .

Change Pokemon ASCII art

$ poketerm -p meowth

Change Custom Message

$ poketerm -m "Your Message Here"

Turn off Random One-Liner

$ poketerm -o 0

Turn off pokemon ascii art

$ poketerm -p noascii

Turn off Custom Message

$ poketerm -m nomessage


Thanks to (http://silgro.com/fortunes.txt) for their one-liner database.