Pocketbase Docker for Render.com

Make sure you have an account on Render.com

  1. Create new Web Service
  2. Fork this repo https://github.com/devbyray/pocketbase-docker and make it private!
  3. And select the repo for the service
  4. After the build go to your {URL}/_ to see the dashboard where you can create an account

Want to get your migrations and data from Pockethost?


  1. Connect your FTP client (docs)
  2. Download the pb_migrations and/or pb_data to your local repo image
  3. Uncomment this line in the Dockerfile: # COPY ./pb_migrations /pb/pb_migrations
  4. Uncomment this line in the Dockerfile: # COPY ./pb_data /pb/pb_data
  5. Commit and push the changes to your repo
  6. Render.com will pick up the changes and use your migrations in Docker 💪