Dawn is a set of simple bootstrapping helpers for .NET applications.
- Install the Dawn.Owin NuGet package.
- Create ordered IOwinBootstrapTask tasks for each step of your bootstrapping process.
- Bootstrap from your OWIN startup class with the OwinBootstrapper, providing the IAppBuilder instance and task collection.
Example OWIN Startup Class
Here we're bootstrapping an API (ASP.NET Web API) and a web project, in the order specified. We first define the tasks in the appropriate order as instances of IOwinBootstrapTask. Then we invoke the Run method of the OwinBootstrapper to execute the tasks.
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var tasks = new List<IOwinBootstrapTask> { new ApiBootstrapperTask(), new WebBootstrapperTask() };
new OwinBootstrapper().Run(app, tasks);
Example Bootstrapper Tasks
Our bootstrapper tasks are instances of IOwinBootstrapperTask. We must implement one Run method which shares the same instance of the OWIN IAppBuilder across all tasks.
In this example our API bootstrapper configures an API using the ASP.NET Web API extension method UseWebApi. The web boostrapper task is using NancyFx to host static web pages, using the UseNancy extension method.
public class ApiBootstrapperTask : IOwinBootstrapTask
public void Run(IAppBuilder app)
var httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();
public class WebBootstrapperTask : IOwinBootstrapTask
public void Run(IAppBuilder app)
- Install the Dawn.WebApi NuGet package.
- Create ordered IWebApiBootstrapTask tasks for each step of your API bootstrapping process.
- Bootstrap from your API OWIN bootstrapping task with the WebApiBootstrapper, providing an instance of an HttpConfiguration and task collection.
Example API Bootstrapper
Here we extend the example API bootstrapper task above to help bootstrap our ASP.NET Web API. This allows us to have separate IWebApiBootstrapTask tasks for each area of API configuration.
We specify the order in which we want the tasks bootstrapped, and then invoke the Run method of the WebApiBootstrapper to execute the tasks.
public class ApiBootstrapperTask : IOwinBootstrapTask
public void Run(IAppBuilder app)
var httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();
var tasks = new List<IWebApiBootstrapTask>
new RoutingApiBootstrapTask(),
new JsonApiBootstrapTask()
new WebApiBootstrapper().Run(httpConfiguration, tasks);
Example API Bootstrapper Tasks
Our API bootstrapper tasks are instances of IWebApiBootstrapTask. We must implement one Run method which shares the same instance of the HTTPConfiguration across all tasks.
In this example our API bootstrapper tasks include a routing task to configure attribute routing, and a JSON configuration task which enables camel casing JSON serialization.
public class RoutingApiBootstrapTask : IWebApiBootstrapTask
public void Run(HttpConfiguration configuration)
public class JsonApiBootstrapTask : IWebApiBootstrapTask
public void Run(HttpConfiguration configuration)
var jsonFormatter = configuration.Formatters.OfType<JsonMediaTypeFormatter>().First();
jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
Dawn is available via NuGet: