
5.2.0 Cannot execute on Linux

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Error: node_modules/7zip-bin/linux/x64/7za: Permission denied

$ cd node_modules/7zip-bin/linux/x64/
$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 auser auser 1457384 May 23 18:15 7za

Maybe the npm package has been built without right permissions? (E.g. on Windows?)

Same problem on Mac M1.

Same problem on Mac x64

Can confirm a chmod +x on the bin fixes the issue, so it's missing executable rights.
Easily fixed by doing git update-index --chmod=+x filename if it's not set right in git.

Same problem on github actions. Downgraded to 5.1.1v and now everything is working