
Is your app Sandboxed?

hetal-patadia opened this issue · 3 comments


How did you sandbox your app by providing the entitlements file? I was not able to find any documentation for the same in electron-builder.

Any help would highly be appreciated.


@HP011235 It is better to file such issues to electron-builder.

How did you sandbox your app by providing the entitlements file?

I distribute app using DMG, not AppStore.

By default, entitlements is not specified. Only for mas target (

Also, you can specify own — osx-sign in the build (see

I tried providing this under the build in my package.json; but still not working. I am also not sure that every option for electron-packager will work under build.

"build": { "app-bundle-id": "", "app-category-type": "", "osx-sign": { "identity": "Dev Name", "entitlements": "./Provisioning/parent.debug.entitlements" } }

I was able to resolve this by restarting my machine. I don't know why, but totally weird. Now, it is showing that my app is sandboxed. Thanks for the help. I am getting some other problem, but I will carry that over to the electron-builder thread.