Add prices to reservation templates
developeregrem opened this issue · 0 comments
developeregrem commented
Wehn using the template for reservations either the mail or PDF template there is no way to include the price of the reservation at the moment.
The price of a reserveration should be automatically included based on existing price classes.
The following new variables must be available in a reservation template:
- sumApartmentment -> total price of all apartments for all selected reservations
- sumMisc -> total price of all miscellaneous prices of the selected reservations
- totalPrice -> total price of all room and miscellaneous prices of the selected reservations
- apartmentPositions -> an array of all room prices (including totalPrice for the current room), this replaces the old reservations array which holds the same inforation but not the price inforamtion
- miscPositions -> an array of all miscellenous prices