
Load worker scripts from other domain (CORS)

wclr opened this issue · 3 comments

wclr commented

I tried to upload all app scripts to CDN and load from there, but the problem appeared with workerized scripts.

DOMException: Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at 'http://.../d60d5e58103bdf59892b.worker.js' cannot be accessed from origin...

I know that workers can not be initialized from CORS scripts, but any idea is it possible to solve/workaround?

wclr commented

Oh I found there is inlne option that solves is.

I also found that there is a worker-plugin. Could you elaborate on what are the uses cases for that module vs workerize-loader? When to prefer one over another.

Hi @whitecolor - glad you found the inline option.

Worker-plugin is a more standards-oriented approach to bundling Workers. It is lower level than workerize-loader, in that it doesn't automatically make your worker's methods callable from the main thread. That means it's more similar to the Webpack official worker-loader in terms of what it provides you. The key feature of worker-plugin is that the code you write is actually valid browser JavaScript - no webpack-specific import prefixes.

Plugin What it does
worker-loader Bundle workers imported with a prefix or matched by config
workerize-loader Bundle workers imported with a prefix or matched by config, and proxy exported methods calls to the Worker
worker-plugin Bundle Workers created using new Worker("..",{type:"module"}), compiling them to classic Workers.
wclr commented

@developit also do you know any drawbacks when using inline worker creation vs from script url?