
¿ add PyGEOS in geojson-pydantic ?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It might be a nice feature to have pygeos as an optional dependencies which could then enable additional methods in geometries (

    import pygeos
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    pygeos = None  # type: ignore

class Polygon(_GeometryBase):
    """Polygon Model"""

    type: str = Field("Polygon", const=True)
    coordinates: PolygonCoords

    def as_pygeos_geometry(self):
        assert pygeos is not None, "pygeos must be installed to use this method"
        return pygeos.from_geojson(self.json())

    def area(self):
        assert pygeos is not None, "pygeos must be installed to use this method"
        return pygeos.area(self.as_pygeos_geometry)

IMO the benefit of pygeos is really when you have arrays of geometries, so that it can take advantage of vectorization. If you just have a single polygon, I think it would make sense to return a single shapely geometry. If you had a PolygonCollection class, then that could make sense to cast to GEOS geometries using Pygeos.

IMO pygeos seems like a smaller requirement than shapely.

Note for the example I took Polygon, but we could use it also for feature collection 🤷‍♂️

IMO pygeos seems like a smaller requirement than shapely.

I just assumed they were about the same size because they both wrap GEOS.

Note for the example I took Polygon, but we could use it also for feature collection 🤷‍♂️

I didn't think pygeos supported creation of mixed-type geometries? The geometrycollections function seems to take pygeos geometries as input? So if you had a FeatureCollection you'd need to loop over each Feature, creating a GEOS item one at a time, which then wouldn't be any faster than shapely?

This is cool but I personally think it's out of scope of what this library should do, which is simply provide data models / validation / schemas for geojson spec. I hesitate to add a GEOS dependency even if its an extra.

I tend to agree. And it's one line to convert to a shapely geometry: from shapely.geometry import shape; shape(item.dict())

it's out of scope of what this library should do, which is simply provide data models / validation / schemas for geojson spec.


alright it doesn't seem a great idea.

closing for now, thanks for the feedback 🙏