
Module "geojson_pydantic" does not explicitly export attribute "Polygon"; implicit reexport disabled

farridav opened this issue · 2 comments

When using this package in the following way:

from geojson_pydantic import Feature, Polygon
from pydantic import BaseModel

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    geojson: Feature[Polygon, dict]

and running mypy i seem to get the following errors: error: Module "geojson_pydantic" does not explicitly export attribute "Feature"; implicit reexport disabled
    from geojson_pydantic import Feature, Polygon
    ^ error: Module "geojson_pydantic" does not explicitly export attribute "Polygon"; implicit reexport disabled
    from geojson_pydantic import Feature, Polygon
Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 8 source files)

Am i using this in the right way ? the code behaves as expected, but the type declaration doesnt like me using the types from the main package, should i explicitly import them from their source location ?

I think this is happening because we aren't using __all__ to specify what is exported by each module. This would be a good addition.

See #52 for fix, feel free to tweak it if necessary