
Optimise container images: multi-stage (size reuduction) & one process per container

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Currently the web container could be optimised in two ways:

  • The size could be greatly reduced from 3.9GB to around 1.5GB using a multi-stage build.
  • It has three processes inside the same container: the Rails server, cgimap, and Apache. This should ideally be split out to separate containers in line with best practices (one process per container, PID 1).


  • Have already done the build optimisation for the rails server in hotosm/osm-sandbox.
  • I also added a small script to build the cgimap image separately:
    docker build \
        "${CGIMAP_VERSION}" \
        --file docker/debian/Dockerfile_bookworm \
  • The webserver should run independently, routing to either the Rails server container, or cgimap container, depending on the route accessed. This could easily be changed to nginx from Apache too.

I plan to contribute this change, as discussed a few months ago! Finally got time to work on this 😄