sequenceS and sequenceT from fp-ts Apply gives type errors
Closed this issue · 11 comments
I'm not sure if this is an upstream bug in fp-ts, or if something is wrong with the implementation here.
I would expect sequenceS
and sequenceT
to work like they do for Either
, but instead I get type errors.
import * as remoteData from "@devexperts/remote-data-ts/es6/remote-data";
import { apply, either } from "fp-ts/es6";
export const sequenceSEither = apply.sequenceS(either.either) // WORKS
export const sequenceSRemoteData = apply.sequenceS(remoteData.remoteData) // Error: No overload matches this call.
export const sequenceTEither = apply.sequenceT(either.either) // WORKS
export const sequenceTRemoteData = apply.sequenceT(remoteData.remoteData) // Error: No overload matches this call.
The full error in both cases is:
No overload matches this call.
The last overload gave the following error.
Argument of type 'Monad2<"RemoteData"> & Foldable2<"RemoteData"> & Traversable2<"RemoteData"> & Bifunctor2<"RemoteData"> & Alt2<"RemoteData"> & Extend2<...> & Alternative2<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Apply<"RemoteData">'.
Types of property 'ap' are incompatible.
Type '<E, A, B>(fab: RemoteData<E, (a: A) => B>, fa: RemoteData<E, A>) => RemoteData<E, B>' is not assignable to type '<A, B>(fab: HKT<"RemoteData", (a: A) => B>, fa: HKT<"RemoteData", A>) => HKT<"RemoteData", B>'.
Types of parameters 'fab' and 'fab' are incompatible.
Type 'HKT<"RemoteData", (a: A) => B>' is not assignable to type 'RemoteData<unknown, (a: unknown) => unknown>'.
Type 'HKT<"RemoteData", (a: A) => B>' is missing the following properties from type 'RemoteSuccess<(a: unknown) => unknown>': _tag, valuets(2769)
Apply.d.ts(292, 25): The last overload is declared here.
Here is a more elaborate codesandbox demonstrating the problem:
Looks like smth in fp-ts changed... I have no error in remote-data master branch, but I do have this error in fp-ts master branch. Need to investigate, thanks for the report!
Side project:
- no error
- error
Separate project:
- no error
- error
That's interesting. The project where I discovered this problem is still on fp-ts@2.5.3
. And if I change to that version in the codesandbox, I still get the error 🤔
@larskinn could you check npm ls fp-ts
or yarn why fp-ts
? Is it possible you have 2 versions of fp-ts installed so that remote-data and apply reference different HKT dictionaries?
could you check
npm ls fp-ts
oryarn why fp-ts
? Is it possible you have 2 versions of fp-ts installed so that remote-data and apply reference different HKT dictionaries?
It does not seem like that's the case.
$ npm ls fp-ts
<projectname>@1.0.0 C:\code\<path>\reactapp
+-- @devexperts/remote-data-ts@2.0.3
| `-- fp-ts@2.5.3 deduped
+-- @<my-employers-namespace>/react-components@3.0.1
| `-- fp-ts@2.5.3 deduped
`-- fp-ts@2.5.3
Yeah, looks so, I also have a single version installed.
Well, the problem is even simpler, HKT constraints do not accept RemoteData URI:
import { Apply2 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Apply';
import { remoteData, URI } from '@devexperts/remote-data-ts';
const tmp: Apply2<URI> = remoteData;
// ^-- error!
Usually it's because of 2 versions of fp-ts installed (2 different dictionaries) but it's not the case now.
The problem goes away if we manually redeclare module augmentation:
import { RemoteData } from '@devexperts/remote-data-ts';
declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind2<E, A> {
readonly [URI]: RemoteData<E, A>;
This may be used as a temporary quickfix.
But this is very weird since we only use a single global URItoKind2
/cc @gcanti could you please take a look? Am I missing something in fp-ts@2.6.6
import { Apply2 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Apply'; import { remoteData, URI } from '@devexperts/remote-data-ts'; const tmp: Apply2<URI> = remoteData; // ^-- error!
I actually don't get this error, tried with @devexperts/remote-data-ts@2.0.3
and fp-ts@2.5.3
, 2.6.5
and 2.6.6
@raveclassic not sure what's going on, I encountered this weird thing once but I coundn't repro
@raveclassic re: the URI error, here's another codesandbox, and I can't reproduce it. As mentioned I tried with different fp-ts versions.
I'm far out of my depth re: the actual type class implementations, so I can't be much help there. But let me know if there's anything else I can do to narrow down the issue.
The problem goes away if we manually redeclare module augmentation:
import { RemoteData } from '@devexperts/remote-data-ts'; declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' { interface URItoKind2<E, A> { readonly [URI]: RemoteData<E, A>; } }
I was trying to add this to my local branch, and it did not fix the problem. But while trying it out in the codesandbox mentioned above, I discovered this interesting fact:
If I import apply
and either
directly from fp-ts
instead of fp-ts/es6
, the type errors go away! (without the above redeclaration hack)
I also see that @devexperts/remote-data-ts/es6/remote-data
only imports from fp-ts/lib/...
and not fp-ts/es6/...
, ref #46
Is it possible that for instance fp-ts/es6/Apply
is incompatible with fp-ts/lib/Apply
The initial reported problem with sequenceS
and sequenceT
goes away when the es6 output imports from fp-ts/es6
. I made a PR.