
Keep worker going in background?

DarrylD opened this issue ยท 16 comments

In the readme for lifecycle:

the workers are paused when the app enters in the background

In the description it's:

Bonus point on Android you can keep a worker alive even when a user quit the application ๐ŸŽ†

How should I keep it from pausing?

@devfd any idea on this before my attempt (java is not my strong suit) at forking?

devfd commented

yeah sure. actually there is already some code implemented. just need to be freshen-up with latest RN version. it should be coming shortly.

anhnt commented

hi @devfd can you please give an ETA when this feature is ready to ship

kinda looking forward this too as it's one of the most needed plugin for react native. Willing to help if needed :)

Also waiting :)



ping @devfd




Any update on this? Seems like the project is abandoned... :-/

yeah it is kinda abandoned :(