Two scripts in Python to encrypt/decrypt using the 128 bits AES algorithm, ECB mode with hex "00" as padding for each character. For the encryption, an ascii plaintext file is taken as the input, then an encrypted hex file is outputted. For the decryption, a ciphertext hex file is taken as the input, then a decrypted ascii file is outputted.
- VatslauX
- taufiqsumadiSamarinda, East Borneo, Indonesia
- toanh2612Vietnam
- vaibhavrshetty
- dobadoo
- patrykpiotrowski90
- SergeRiffParis, France
- Binary-Philosopher
- GunawanRanai
- w42renSouthampton, UK
- talaatmagdyxCairo , Egypt
- Zombie10
- ShayanYaseen
- chetanchetri
- aqshaid18
- Miki444
- haileychoii
- Vasanthakumar-Software-DeveloperCOIMBATORE
- abdelazizrashed
- ianlee0800
- SouDLourCalifornia
- m0janglesColorado Springs
- linkinpark320
- 5ky9uy