
Include script only if media-screen > 960px

lck-git opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello devinargenta,

thanks for sharing your script.
How can i change the script, so it was only active/included if media-screen is > 960px or media-height > 600px?

Hey @lck-git -- While this functionality isn't currently built into the script, you could use the classes supplied ( set autoMove to false) and use CSS for the animations, scoped to your media queries.

If you want to edit the source code, you can probably wrap this function in an if statement like

if ( $(window).width() > 960 && $(window).height() > 600) {   
          _.scrollEvent.bind(_, top)

Hey devinargenta,
thanks for the quick help, it works!
I have implemented it via css, because the change in the script itself requires a reload of the page when one turns, for example, of the portrait view to the landscape view.

My css-code:

@media only screen and (min-height: 768px) {
body header {
-webkit-transform: translateY(0px);
transform: translateY(0px);
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 600ms ease-in-out;
transition: -webkit-transform 600ms ease-in-out;
transition: transform 600ms ease-in-out;
transition: transform 600ms ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 600ms ease-in-out;
width: 100%;
body.stickEm-in header {
position: relative;
top: 0px;
body.stickEm-fixed header {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
body.stickEm-fixed.stickEm-out header {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
-webkit-transform: translateY(-256px);
transform: translateY(-256px);
body.stickEm-fixed.stickEm-in header {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;

glad you worked it out!