
Awesome tools I regularly use

awesome tools Awesome

Miscellaneous application and utilities that will make your developer life easier.

Math & Stats, Sciences


Aviation, aeronautics

  • Simulators, data faker

  • Analysis

  • ADS-B, ADS-C

    • dump1090
    • Opensky Network
    • ADSBExchange
    • Flightradar, Flight aware (too €€€)
  • Others

    • METAR, TAF
    • metview

Development (Mostly Python and JS, and unix shells scripts. Of course.)

I try to stay away from "compiled" languages, and strong typed languages. I favor python, JavaScript, with tools to check code

Documentation, presentation, brainstorming, notes, jotting

  • Editors
    • Mindnotes (MacOS app)
    • Obsidian and some plugins
    • Draw.io
    • Reveal.js
    • Mermaid
    • Excalidraw

Design Patterns

I extensively use the following design patterns (more or less strickly, but with inspiration):

I discovered the first one years ago while developing with Ruby on Rails.

I discovered the latest while extensively developing withing the outstanding Yii2 framework.
