
Use apps from 'recent' to fill the slots

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Hi! I really like this idea of launching an app without going to another screen.

Usually i just switch between last ~4...8 apps, those apps that are launched often can benefIt the most from a quick launch.

What if your app would allow to launch apps from recent? This will save time for arranging all the shortcuts. Currently it takes ~10mins to figure out how to add them, then add each app separately, then figure out you might use other selection more often instead.

This could be default or optional(a block of 4...8 slots that are filled from recently launched apps. For example slot1 is empty initially. When i launch googleplay and minimize it, slot1 is filled with googleplay. When after this i open a browser, slot2 is filled with googleplay and slot1 with browser)

LaunchTime is an example of opensource app from fdroid that has this function, a tab(search) with shortcuts that are filled from 'recent' , and it works without root, so i guess it can be done here too(would copying their code be bad?)

Its not a problem, just a addition that might make your already good app even better. To make it from 'instal-setup-use' into 'instal-use'.