
My little contribution for the community. (Gamma table with a gradual and balance brightness reduction)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is a gradual and balance brightness reduction with 16 line of code including two night mode, Flux-like Orange tone, easy on the eyes and Flux-like Ember tone, sleepy mode but can still play
Made request my the maker.

Big Thanks to Sir. devnoname120
For this giving us the vitabright.


diff --git a/vitabright_lut_orig.txt b/vitabright_lut.txt
index 4fdde5c..042fc6c 100755
--- a/vitabright_lut_orig.txt
+++ b/vitabright_lut.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-# This is a modified gamma table, more information here:
+# This is a modified gamma table with a gradual and balance brightness reduction
 CC CC EA D0 D8 CB C3 CB BB E2 E4 DF D6 CE D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
 BF BF DA D4 DB CE C6 CD BF E3 E3 E1 D7 CA D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
-9F 9F BE CF D7 C9 C2 CB BB E1 E3 DE D6 D0 D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
-99 99 B6 D1 D9 CC C3 CB BC E2 E4 DF D6 CC D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
+BF BF DA D4 DB CB C3 CB BB E2 E4 DF D6 CE D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
+# Most games set in the CPU freq to 444 Mhz will only make the below values usable
+BF BF DA D4 D8 CB C3 CB BB E2 E4 DF D6 CE D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
+# The upper one is the perfect yellow-white tone
+# Below this one is the perfect blue-white tone
+99 99 DA D4 DB CE C6 CD BF E3 E3 E1 D7 CA D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
+# List below are the gradual brightness reduction without color changing
 8F 8F AA D4 DB CE C6 CD BF E3 E3 E1 D7 CA D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
-# Games that set the CPU freq to 444 Mhz will only make the below values usable
-8D 8D A7 D5 DB CF C6 CE C0 E4 E4 E1 D7 C8 D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
 8B 8B A5 D5 DB CF C7 CE C0 E3 E3 E1 D8 C7 D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
 87 86 9F D6 DD D1 C7 CE C1 E4 E3 E2 D9 C6 D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
 84 83 9B D7 DE D2 C8 CE C2 E4 E3 E2 D9 C3 D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
@@ -15,8 +18,8 @@ BF BF DA D4 DB CE C6 CD BF E3 E3 E1 D7 CA D3 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
 # Value that's used by default by the Vita when dimming because of inactivity
 6A 68 7A DC E1 D8 D1 CF CD E6 D9 E3 CD 8C CB F0 9C F9 2F 00 2F
 58 55 68 E5 E4 DE D6 D2 D0 E8 D5 E5 CB 78 C7 EE 9C F9 2F 00 2F
-# Low brightness, but blueish tone. Might want to fix this
-49 48 5D D9 DF D5 CB CF C5 E5 E0 E4 DC B8 D4 FA ED E6 2F 00 2F
-# Flux-like orange tone, easy on the eyes
+# Flux-like Orange tone, easy on the eyes
 64 5A 62 E3 E4 DD D4 D0 CF E7 D7 E4 CD 7B C9 F0 9C F9 2F 00 2F
+# Flux-like Ember tone, sleepy mode but can still play
+62 4A 60 E2 E3 DD D3 D0 CF E6 D6 E3 CD 6B C9 F0 8C F8 1F 00 1F
 58 55 68 E5 E4 DE D6 D2 D0 E8 D5 E5 CB 78 C7 EE 9C F9 2F 00 2F