:pencil: A Vagrant plugin that manages hosts files within a multi-machine environment.
- skoonaFort Wayne, Indiana, USA
- radubRomania
- he9linLos Angeles
- RajaRameshBangalore
- hexa2k9Wegberg, Germany, Europe, Earth, Universe
- talishteCiudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
- cao7113Beijing
- wyleungThe Netherlands
- seak6adtn59v
- mingder78Taipei, Taiwan
- ifduyueChina
- shinetimesBeijing, China
- charliecano
- mcortinasBarcelona. Spain
- jhcloos
- ben-haimLondon
- bdcribbsIllinois
- andregironda
- flowchartsmanMaryland
- iAugurSomerset UK
- clubdesarrolladores
- mgalvinNew York
- andrewpspUnited States of Florida
- GiannisdukeAthens
- mad3310
- nickgarberBaltimore, MD
- carnevluFribourg (Swiss)
- jruhlenderHolzminden, Germany
- coderfiSilicon Valley, California
- robcowardUnited Kingdom
- Benedikt1992Germany
- glubbered
- seth-reeserPhiladelphia, PA
- manishmahabirNew Delhi
- ParaXYParadise.
- toddmagnussonJonesborough, Tennessee