
Get Lighthouse Certified

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Reasoning: Compiance

Related: #77

May need some guidance on this one @brandondees @albertoponti @mrbernnz @tmornini @kurtcagle

Here's the example from Preact. (notice using localhost and https. The later i don't know how to do)

Also, <a rel=noopener> seems interesting! Not sure if i understand the reasoning behind this. But shiny nonetheless ✨

Reasoning: Compliance

Related: #77

I skimmed through the lighthouse tool, you can either add it to chrome as an extension or run it in the command line as a node module

After your audit to view a report drag the json file into the viewer

I will look into the audit references of the first audit report that I found here

The report json file is attached here if you want to take a look.

@snuggs @tmornini @brandondees @kurtcagle @mrbernnz

@albertoponti cazzo that's awesome research. Feel free to add a Pull Request in /index.html for the theme-color meta tag.

@albertoponti we should add this to the list of tests as well. People seem to be using it as a benchmark.

@albertoponti @cristhiandick #PING

@snuggs @brandondees @tmornini .. ran the webpagetest, you can find the results here .. it "failed" the compress transfer, cache static content. There are some other warnings to go over.

Should be able to fix a bunch of "errors" by sending back cache headers. That should clear out 50% of the "issues". Great we are even doing this nonetheless @albertoponti