
Polyfill support for IE11+

0xhjohnson opened this issue · 4 comments

Looking for some general support on recommended polyfills for IE11+ support. The web-component in question works fine on all the major browsers Chrome, Firefox, Edge but IE is giving me trouble. No imports polyfill needed just the custom elements I'm assuming? Tried #127 after transpiling the code through babel es5 loose but errors were still being thrown in IE. Will update will actual errors in the next day or so.


SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'prototype' of undefined or null reference (1,2907)

SCRIPT445: Object doesn't support this action (1,5241)

@0xhjohnson copy that. seems like a bug. I'll wrap a test around this and ping you on it. That will at least point you to an area of focus and can work on fix with you. Actually some great news. has confirmed they will be sponsoring this project. So we may want to integrate some of their features in our test suite moving forward. I hope they give us more options than Selenium. Do you have any experience with this service?

Welcome aboard! (check your email) /cc @brandondees @tmornini @rianby64 @btakita @Robertchristopher

@0xhjohnson can you provide a repro? That's the best part about this project...a simple jsfiddle is a working failure. Or could just copy pasta custom element code here in the issue.

Thanks in advance!

Fixes #127