
Can't connect to my account to send comment

Mara-Li opened this issue · 10 comments

Describe the bug
I have my own Mkdocs website where I added my chirpy div.
When I try to connect, It open a new webpage on, I connect, but it opens on and not redirect on my site.

On my site, it doesn't connect either after reload page. I tryed with my account and anonymous account.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to (GitHub Repo)
  2. Go to any page (ie this page
  3. Try to post comment with connexion

Expected behavior
A successfull connexion that allow to post comments.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS] Windows 11
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] Firefox
  • Version [e.g. 22] Latest

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone X] iPad Pro 11"
  • OS: [e.g. iOS 12.1] ios beta 16.2
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari] Safari
  • Version [e.g. 22] Latest

Additional context

Thanks for the report, I tried to repro it on your site, the first issue is: it didn't popup the sign-in window, instead it redirected to a new tab, which is a bug, we'll fix it for sure.

The other issue you mentioned is the sign-in status didn't update, weird, but I didn't repro it, it worked after sign-in, could you confirm whether this is happenning on desktoptop or mobile devices? And which browser?

This happened on firefox (Windows 11) with twitter login, and Safari (IpadOS)

EDIT : After clean cache after login, I successfully connected!
So the first is a real issue, the second seems to be a cache error.

@Lisandra-dev We'll fix the first issue later, thanks

Hi @Lisandra-dev , I tried to reproduce the missing popup window issue, it seems it only happened on Arc browser which seems doesn't support popup window yet, the Firefox & Safari work good.

Hmm, the popup windows "bug" continue to appear on my side, on Firefox + Windows 11.

  1. I try to connect to my account on my website (using comments)
  2. I connect on a popup
  3. The popup doesn't close and open-up on my configuration, on
  4. I need to reload the page with cache clear to update the comments

status didn't update in my site too
in firefox i can't sign-in, but chrome and edge need to fresh page to work

@badcaf3 Ok, I'll take a look this week

@badcaf3 Sorry for the late, I released a fix, could you help verify if it's working?

@badcaf3 Sorry for the late, I released a fix, could you help verify if it's working?

Sorry, not badcaf3 here, but I'm still having the same issue on Firefox on mobile.

Hi @chungusg , could you create a new issue? Please share device info, system version, browser version, .etc.