
vaadin.productionMode must be set after devsoap credentials or compatibility mode are set

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • JDK version: JDK 11
  • Gradle version: 6.0.0
  • Vaadin Plugin version: 1.3.1
    Describe the bug
    Setting vaadin.productionMode before setting will not enable production mode. instead an error message is showed. Inversing the order works.

To Reproduce

Using this fails:

vaadin {    
    productionMode = true
devsoap {
    email = ...
    key =...

While this works:

devsoap {
    email = ...
    key =...
vaadin {    
    productionMode = true

The same is if you set production mode before compatibility mode and you are unlicensed.

So using this will fail:

vaadin {    
    productionMode = true
    compatibilityMode = true

While this will work

vaadin {    
    compatibilityMode = true
    productionMode = true