
Env file python script

ollibowers opened this issue · 1 comments

Simple no dep python script built on dotenv or so, that sets up the env files. TUI.

Required functionality:

  • for env variables such as mongo password, where it lives in both backend env and mongodb env, you only need to input it in once
  • if the files already exist, when the user is prompted to enter, suggests them to use the old one instead
    • this is because we dont want to accidently overwrite the files and be painful to find the auth env vars again
  • certain fields allow for empty input, where it will auto generate
  • also can specify as keyword command line arguments for easy use in the ci file
  • otherwise if no CL argument or existing, will prompt user to enter each

Main usecases:

  • in ci, replaces all the echos
  • must leave files that are compatible with ci and docker compose env

python3 --mongodb-pass="ollipass"

Completed in #1159