
This repository is made for showcasing mowito assignment. Tasks like object detection of grocery products and barcode detection of that carried out. For barcode detection pyzbar library used and yolov5 model trained for undetectable barcode.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Smart-Cart Vision

  • Detection_Script (main) was created in Google colab for the detection algorithm, clone this repository, and change directory in the main script for invoking trained models in the script. Trained models are saved in /Trained-Model.
  • All dependencies installation code is mentioned in colab script. Moreover, each line of code has its own comment for understanding the usage of each line.


  • Task 1: The output should contain the value of barcode, and how many times every barcode appears in the image ( there could be repetitions of the barcode). This output could be printed ✅
  • Task 2: Display input image ✅
  • Task 3: Create a Bounding box of blue color on the input image, around all the barcodes which are correctly read ✅
  • Task 4: Create a Bounding box of yellow color on the input image around the barcodes which are partially visible and couldn’t be completely read ✅
  • Task 5: Create a Bounding box of red color on the input image around items that did not have any barcodes ✅
  • Task 6: Create bounding boxes of black color around each ITEM in the image ( not the barcode) ✅

Each task was completed, please see the attached result and find more results in /Results

  • {'8901725114916': 2, '8901063160088': 2, '8901030578199': 1}
