
Change logo text from "meet up" to "community"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

By now devstaff has grown into something much more than a meetup.

I think our logo is outdated and should be adapt to cater for this change.

/cc @kabitakis @sonaht @padeler @gvre @mzampetakis @nickorfas @daknob @svelon @sugarenia @sbehnsen @estavrak

I would also suggest to see if it is possible to make a version with just 2 colors, as this is preferable for some applications.

Since we are looking into the logo thing, we could also change it altogether. I had a brief discussion with Michalis Meimaroglou (, who is willing to make one for free, as a sponsorship.

@sonaht / @kabitakis so I take it this is fixed now, right?

closing (please reopen if it's not)