
Failed to POST JSON to /_matrix/client/r0/login code=403 wrapped=M_FORBIDDEN: Invalid password

verymilan opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, i can't bring the Reconciliation to work, as it keeps throwing and Invalid password error.
I have followed the instructions and/but built corporal by hand on the latest release branch.

The error in synapse and corporal suggests that it uses a wrong password, but corporal does not have a password field for the Reconciliation-user and after trying multiple users with admin permissions and double-triple-checking my setup, i am kinda out of ideas right now. :(

KB1RD commented

@verymilan You may be looking for

Once it's set up, you can use AuthSharedSecret to set the auth secret to use.

Also, you may be able to get additional help in

Thank you, totally forgot about this one:
I have also asked on matrix a while ago and we figured that i had a duplicate entry in the config, hidden between comments, that made synapse not add the auth provider and caused the issue to happen. :)