
Neither userscript or extension work anymore

Closed this issue · 17 comments

  • Are you using browser extension or userscript?
  • Is "Make GIS great again" working on other pages?
  • Is error disappeared when you changed extension/userscript to userscript/extension?
  • Link to page where error occurs
  • Screenshot of page where error occurs
  • Screenshot of Developer tools' "Console" (Firefox — Control+Shift+K, Chrome — Ctrl+Shift+J)

-I tried both the extension and the script.
-It does not work on ANY Google Image Search result.
-Error persists regardless of which version I use.
-Link to example page:
-Screenshots attached.
screenshot 1
screenshot 2

I can confirm that. Same problem affects me.

Can confirm. Google has broken "View Image" again:
screen shot 2018-05-03 at 1 18 52 pm

Same here. Script on Safari

Ok, I fixed it on a second try ;-), replace those lines inside addButton(node) function :

//      let thumbnail = document.querySelector('img[id="' + container.dataset.itemId + '"]');
//      let meta = thumbnail.closest('.rg_bx').querySelector('.rg_meta');

//      let metadata = JSON.parse(meta.innerHTML);
//      let src = metadata.ou;
      let thumbnail = node.querySelector('.irc_rimask.irc_rist');
      let src = unescape(thumbnail.querySelector('.rg_l').href.match(/imgurl=([^&]+)/)[1]);

Cant be bothered with official way of sending patches (forking repo etc)

How do I do that?

install, use raw script in tempermonkey instead of separate extension. Thats how I use it.

not according to the reviews :)

Userscript works fine for me on chrome 66.0.3359.139

jhult commented

The Chrome extension does not currently work (see all the comments on the store page).

However, pulling in the latest gis-vib.user.js updates (from 4 days ago) made the extension work (using this how-to).
@dev-id, you need to update the Chrome extension.

Thank you Dave/@dev-id for doing the leg work and submitting my patch.
@jhult dev-id is not the owner of this repo, he cant update chrome extension. devunt is the owner. I suspect he is either waiting to see if it doesnt change again, or submitted change and it wasnt updated yet in google store - Im talking out of my ass here, I have no experience with Google store/extension bureaucracy ;) Either way my patch is still working fine.

@raszpl What browser do you use? Seems like it's not working on the latest Chrome (Version 66.0.3359.181)

jhult commented

@onmyouji, the Chrome extension does not currently work. I am using Chrome Version 66.0.3359.170.

There are only 2 options:

  1. Wait until @devunt updates the Chrome extension
  2. Create a local unpacked version of the extension and manually update gis-vib.user.js

The current master as of 21.05.2018 works as an unpacked extension.

@devunt When can we expect release to the google web store?

Fixed version of the extension is released on both Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons. Sorry for the delay!

thank you devunt for absolutely life saving extension!