
RxSwift 6.0 support is invalid

dankinsoid opened this issue · 3 comments

"because RxViewController >=1.0.0 depends on RxExpect 2.0.0..<3.0.0 and RxExpect >=2.0.0 depends on RxSwift 5.0.0..<6.0.0, RxViewController >=1.0.0 requires RxSwift 5.0.0..<6.0.0.
And because root depends on RxSwift 6.0.0..<7.0.0 and root depends on RxViewController 2.0.0..<3.0.0, version solving failed"

it seems it is necessary to temporarily remove RxExpect

Could this be fixed?

Plus here

@devxoul Hello! Thank you for your library, it makes life a bit easier. Will you fix this issue?