
CurrentPageChanged event is not fired

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I can't simply do this inside BottomBar Page

this.CurrentPageChanged += async (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                if (!AppSettings.IsLogged)
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new Welcome(), false);

This method:

needs to call tell Element property (which is the XamarinForms BottomBar) to raise CurrentPageChanged event (BottomBar is derived from MultiPage), something like this:


or something similar...

a PR would be welcome :)

Any news ?

From what I understand, it seems that Xamarin Forms TabbedPage control lacks a virtual OnCurrentPageChanged method that can be overriden and called from the renderer.

Update: Err... forget this comment, didn't look at it hard enough ;)
See final solution in PR below.

Ok I have a fix for this.
I'll do the PR tomorrow.

There you go. PR #15.

PR merged