
Navigation bar still displayed at the top

agouriou opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi and thanks for this component.

I've added the reference to my Portable project. I can see the page, but the bar is still displayed at the top of the page.

There is no compilation error, but the behavior is the one of a standard TabbedPage.

Am I missing something?

<xf:BottomBarPage xmlns=""
    <local:Page1 />
    <local:Page2 />
    <local:Page3 />


I was missing the dependency "BottomNavigationBar" in my Nugget packages.

@agouriou Can you please provide the reference to your project, so that I can get a proper idea of implementing this component!
Thank you!

My project is not open source. I've used the example here:

It's working as expected, just make sure to have the following nugget packages:

  • BottomNavigationBar.XF (of course)
  • BottomNavigationBar
  • Newtonsoft.Json

And the following references (I'm using a PCL project):
PCL Project references:

  • packages\ThriveGmbH.BottomNavigationBar.XF.1.0.2\lib\portable-net45+win8+wpa81\BottomBar.XamarinForms.dll

Android project references:

  • packages\ThriveGmbH.BottomNavigationBar.XF.1.0.2\lib\MonoAndroid10\BottomBar.Droid.dll
  • packages\BottomNavigationBar.\lib\MonoAndroid403\BottomNavigationBar.dll

iOS project references:

  • packages\ThriveGmbH.BottomNavigationBar.XF.1.0.2\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\BottomBar.XamarinForms.dll