URL Shortener

Table of KEY Contents


start service(Local)

skaffold dev

Generate Shortened URL

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost/api/v1/urls -d '{"url": "<original_url>","expireAt": "2021-02-08T09:20:41Z"}'


    "id": "<url_id>",
    "shortUrl": "http://localhost/<url_id>"

Redirect URL API

curl -L -X GET http://localhost/<url_id>

use 302 Redirect to original URL

System Design Concept


  • 基本要求
    • 兩隻 API
      • 產生有期限的短網址
      • 將短網址轉回長網址
        • 找不到短網址則回傳 404
  • 額外限制
    • 期限最長三年
    • 短網址長度為 6 碼
    • Validation
    • Uint Test
    • Performance Test
  • 附加條件
    • 使用 Go
      • 使用 Go-Kit


  • 假設短網址的效期,最長效期為 3 年
  • 推估讀取比建立的 request 多,約 100:1
  • 建立 request 的 QPS 預估為 100 request/s,存取的 QPS 為 10,000 request/s
  • 短網址的長度為 6 個字元
    • 三年的 url mapping 總共有: $100 * 3600 * 24 * 365 * 3 \approx 10M$
    • 每一個字元可能有 62 種(0-9a-zA-Z),所以一共可以有 $62^6 \approx 56M$
    • $56M &gt; 10M$,所以長度 6 就足夠了
  • 儲存空間至少需要 20TB
    • 依照各大瀏覽器支援的 URL 長度以及各 Web Service 的預設值,取最大相容長度為 2048
    • $(2048+6) * 10M \approx 20TB$


  • Algorithm
    • Solution 0: UUID
      • Pros:
        • simple, locally generated
      • Cons:
        • 16 characters, too long, affects DB performance
    • Solution 1: md5
      • may have collision
      • too long, need to extract first 6 characters
    • Solution 2: counter + Base62
      • Predictable
      • In a decentralized architecture is a challenge
        • a. generate within dividing ranges
        • b. pre-generated
    • Solution 3: random + Base62
      • To prevent collisions, it is needs to constantly ensure that unique
      • Keep length to 6 characters
    • Solution 4: Zookeeper
  • Storage: NoSQL
    • There is no relationship between each url mapping
    • Billions of data
    • Read-heavy

Finial Conclusion

因時程考量,最終使用 random integer and base62 encoded + Redis 來設計 URL Shortener

Check and Acceptance

  • 基本功能
    • 啟動服務
      • local development, run:
          skaffold dev
          minikube tunnel
    • 兩隻 API 的 happy path
      • 產生短網址, API: http://localhost/api/v1/urls, run:
      • 短網址導向, API: http://localhost/<url_id>, run:
  • error handling
    • 錯誤的短網址,404
    • 錯誤的參數
  • Unit Test
  • Performance Test
  • Technical Stack


  • Step0: Unit Test & Performance Test
  • Step1: Using ZooKeeper to implement a cluster shared counter
  • Step2: Storage Replacement
    • Redis: 適合快速讀寫
    • DynamoDB: 巨量資料
  • Step3: Scale Out

Project Layout

  • single service put at internal/app
  • cmd is service entry point
  • internal/pkg/<shared-pkg> is shared pkg for other service
├── README.md
├── cmd
│   └── main.go
├── internal
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── endpoint
│   │   ├── service
│   │   └── transport
│   └── pkg 
├── go.mod
└── go.sum