
Dashboard account creation - password requirements

Opened this issue · 4 comments

issue encountered on Chrome v 74.0.3729.169

During new account creation from, in case the minimum password requirements are not met, the system prompts an alert that doesn't block the account creation.

The user created doesn't function properly (e.g the Generate Bill button generates a white screen and nothing loads up...). You can test with the user below
pswd: redhot

The non-respect of minimum password requirements should trigger a blocking alert.

this is an issue with accounts which were created before we had a strong password.
the solution is to reset the password for those accounts, which user can do

The weird thing is that during the account creation I was notified by the password requirements in place, which I didn't respect, but the system still allowed me through instead of blocking the process.

@gabcava ok let me test that process again

@gabcava please test now, seems like it was already fixed. maybe it was issue in your cache.
please re-test